The world's first Basketball Somatics Program:

Before we can even attend school we are slamming foam basketballs through the hoop attached to our bedroom door. We watch our favorite players and practice our dribbling at the park, in our drive-ways and at school.

The beloved basketball is a consistent symbol in a person’s life because it is so much fun and CREATE uses that excitement to create memorable learning experiences.

We don’t want children to just be mindful. We want them to understand what is happening in their body so they can make better decisions because they have a deeper connection to what is going on inside. It’s only after we get physical that we eliminate confusion about the body’s natural reactions. 

Together we can teach kids that natural pressure in the hands doesn’t have to coax them into initiating a fight.

The CREATE Advantage:

  • Everything you need to teach 5 body-based skills.              (No prior education, or materials required)

  • Fulfill SEL curriculum requirements in P.E.                          (Save precious lesson time.)

  • Lots of fun and completely re-playable!


  • Squeeze

  • Breathe

  • Stretch

  • Appetite

  • Move

Emotions Explained:

  • Anger

  • Anxiety

  • Sadness

  • Fear

CASEL Topics covered:

  • Self – Management

  • Self-Awareness

  • Social Awareness

  • Relationship skills

Your P.E. Program gets:

6 Basketballs, 6 cones, 10 bean
bags, 10 rings, 25 Mini basketballs,
25 Straws, 6 Hula Hoops, 25 Color
Handkerchiefs, printed materials
and Game Guide.

Which includes everything you need to play 5 Somatics skill-building games.

Sign up today!

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