Our Programming

Children Basketball Program

CREATE reimagines P.E. curriculums by providing coaches SEL programming in an under-utilized area of teaching: the outdoors!

We focus on proactive mental health programing that empowers kids through greater body awareness. Our fun, innovative method makes learning about abstract mental health ideas easier because we incorporate facts about our body into physical movements and basketball games.

As a result, kids learn important lifelong skills that improve their mental health, behavior and well- being.

Kids learn:

  • How emotions show up in the body and coping activities that match them
  • How aggression shows up in your hands and 2 ways to use your hands to release stress
  • The 2 main parts to strong breathing (using skills taught to asthma sufferers on how to get out of an asthma attack)
  • What is emotional eating (how to identify, why it happens and deal with it)
  • The best movements to release stress from the body, increase body awareness and improve balance/mobility
  • + More!

Educators Yoga Program

Coping and mental health support are lacking for educators which results in teacher burn out. Feeling appreciated and cared for begins in the body at CREATE.

Our Educators Yoga program provides a stress informed routine that focuses on instruction on ways to release pent up nervous system responses to negative emotions. This easy to follow and remember routine leaves teachers with important information about their body as well as more tools to self-regulate stressful experiences in/out of the classroom.


Educators experience:

  • All of the same somatics based education and skills as our kids basketball program, plus…
  • An enhanced relationship between how the body is reacting to emotional triggers and their ability to recognize / communicate needs for further support
  • Personal evaluation of current self-regulation methods being used, levels of stress from classroom experiences, and customized somatics skill suggestions to match
  • Additional resources for educators to help facilitate future coping needs
  • + More!