Struggling with Screen time addiction
CREATE Helps Families

Fight Screen Addiction

CREATE works with Supportive Space Counseling to provide families licensed therapy services. Our program is overseen by Dr. Lindsay Scholz, who is a professor of adolescent and family therapy. She has Ph.D., LPC, NCC, CCATP, CAIMHP, CCTP, CGCS, C-DBT certifications and over 10 years of experience.

In addition to that, we have an talented staff of graduate students supporting this service, which means that individualized support that is affordable is always available!

Too much time on smartphones, social media, and games can change a child’s brain, just like how drug addiction does. It leads to more aggressiveness, tantrums and lack of attention so family and school environments begin to suffer the side effects.
That isn’t even the scariest news.
Studies have confirmed delayed speech and development in children under 4 and a whole bunch of mental health issues coming from screen overuse.
Big tech companies make their apps so addictive that kids find it hard to stop using them. They begin to find everything else boring compared to the bright and fast-moving shows that deliver dopamine in repetitive easy-to-consume bursts. Kids never had a chance.
Your child might be showing signs of overuse. Things like having trouble focusing, being restless, not caring about things, being aggressive, gaining too much weight, or not being good at talking to others.
They might even get really upset or anxious if you take away their device or limit their screen time.
Your interest in regaining control over the situation is correct. Children need more alternatives and skills for healthy screen habits and parents need help in guiding that process. That’s where this challenge can help.
Screen education for kids


In 22 days you will learn all about how skills are impacting a child's development, what "No Screen Zones" are and how to create them, practicing safe surfing online, dealing with video game addiction, telling AI from real and so much more...

building skills in kids

Skill Building

We teach kids how to notice overuse in the mind and body so they can grow self responsibility over their own screen time. Then we arm them with coping skills, life skill building alternatives and activities that spur creativity.

Dr. Lindsay Scholz

On Call One-on-One Support

Need extra help with setup, strategy or follow through?

Some children have special circumstances they are working with, others have a strong video game addiction that will require more individualized help. A general challenge to reduce screen time will not work as well with these children.

Don’t worry individualized support that is affordable or free is always available!

CREATE provides regular service to all families but also provides reduced cost/free services at a means tested basis. Families that can provide required documents to show need for financial assistance can enroll in our program for free.

Change Your Family Life

Start Reducing your Screen Time and Tantrums Today!

screen addiction in kids

Studies on Screens

We put together an educational program that gives you all of the latest details on how screens impact a child's development, behavior and mental health. To help promote behavioral change, we brake down all of this info into 5 minute emails that are sent out daily. This makes change easy and consistent!

recommendations for tough conversations with kids

Better Communication

We provide example scripts so you know what to say and make recommendations so your conversations with family are successful. Use our Parenting Guide on Communication to improve all of your conversations including those annoying ones where you have to get the adults to cooperate on making changes.

family activities beyond screens

Better Alternatives

Receive alternative activities that build a child up, instead of waste their time. These activities grow creativity, self esteem and life skills that make a big impact in a child's life. Activities include resources to grow gardens, start a workshop or STEM hobby, learn how to fix anything and take up art or even martial arts.

Program Overview

In addition to a therapy plan CREATE's Screen Reduction Program delivers daily education.

Daily Breakdown:

Day 1 – The impact screens are making to children

Day 2 – Identifying your specific symptoms and setting goals

Day 3 – Age based usage suggestions & reviewing your use

Day 4 – Cooperative Communication Guide

Day 5 – Setting Expectations and Consequences

Day 6 – What “No Screen Zones” are & How to create them

Day 7 – Logging Screen Time and Gaining Adult Cooperation

Day 8 – Earning Extra Screen time

Day 9 – Using the Gradual Change Reduction Chart

Day 10 – Family Bonding Night / Exploring Screen Alternatives

Day 11 – Teaching kids about Online Safety

Day 12 – Battling Tech and Gaming Addiction

Day 13 – Bullying, Peer Pressure & Influences Online

Day 14 – The Appeal of Games & Better Replacements

Day 15 – Screen Reduction Progression Stage 2

Day 16 – Leading By Example & Parent Child Connection Building

Day 17 – Embracing Boredom & Cultivating Creativity

Day 18 – Screen Time and the Mental Health Connection

Day 19 – Spotting Overuse & Body Skills for Self Care

Day 20 – The Screens & Sleep Connection

Day 21 – Teaching Children Self Responsibility Over Screen Use

Day 22 – Staying on Track & Setting Long Term Goals

cut down on screen addiction

Peak inside...

Reduce your child's screen time with this 22 day challenge!
Use our worksheets to identify your personal situation
Use fun to encourage better habits in children



Transformational Challenges:

Becoming a Better Parent in Just 5 Minutes a Day

CREATE provides parenting education to over 1 Million of families by making them simple to understand and engaging to work with. This challenge is another example of our work. It sources the most effective habit building strategies and puts it into bite size emails parents read in less than 5 minutes a day. Then use our bonus printable activity or worksheet to bring the lesson to life in your life.

Daily 5 minute lessons might sound strange, since we’re used to learning from long informative books, detailed lectures, and webinars. But life is extra busy right now and the added stress that kids add to the day make these longer formats hard to follow through on. That’s why CREATE developed Transformation Challenges that guide parents through creating a behavioral change with their child in incremental steps.

Instead of a big book or online course you have to separate time to complete, we organized a strategy that is based off of short, practical steps that you learn in daily emails. Each email takes just 3-5 minutes to read and a few more to do.


These Challenges focus on:

Being Efficient: Delivered daily emails so you can read quickly and act on fast.

Promoting Follow Through: Each email has a specific, doable action for that day that works towards your reduction goal.

Building Long Term Parenting Skills: Every day your parenting skills will improve, making these habits a natural part of your family life.

Keeping You on Track: Put the stress of remembering on us! Our regular reminders keep you focused and on track.

Learning About Yourself: Some emails help you reflect and grow as a parent.


The email guidance lets you choose when to read the lessons. Whether it’s at lunch, waiting for dry cleaning, or in the grocery store line, our educational emails can be read anytime, anywhere.

If you follow the tips we give over the next month, you’ll start to see a change in your child’s behavior and their responsibility with smart devices. They’ll improve at taking breaks from them and using them more safely.