22 Day Challenge – Reduce Screen time

$ 10

CREATE’s 22 Day Challenge is a series of daily educational emails that walk you through reducing your child’s screen time.

After purchase you will begin receiving a short 3-5 minute lesson and printable worksheet, activity or game that helps you achieve this step of the change.

The emails will:

  • Give you facts and studies regarding the developmental impact screens have in kids
  • Provide screen time recommendations by Age
  • Help in identifying your personal situation and goals
  • Help in spotting and logging your usage
  • Help in reducing your usage incrementally
  • Provide scripts and guides for having tough conversations about screens
  • Help in setting responsibilities and consequences
  • Help in creating No Screen Zones
  • Help in establishing life long skills like self responsibility with screens, noticing overuse warning signs, building self care coping skills that move the body
  • Help in learning about safe screen usage like identifying bullying, risky behavior, AI and more.
  • Activities that promote creativity in children. Over 100 involve the whole family!
  • Access to free online games that teach online safety
  • And more!


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“Screen-time affects our brains and bodies at multiple levels, manifesting in various mental health symptoms related to mood, anxiety, cognition and behavior.” – Dr. Dunkley


What impacts children most? The fast changes/frame rates of television shows and video/iPad games affects a child’s visual processing system and vestibular system. Dopamine imbalances happen because kids spend a lot of time in front of screens and the constant rewards makes it hard for the brain to focus directed attention towards less fun, but necessary parts of life.


A child’s visual processing system is still significantly developing before the age of 2, and final development isn’t reached until 8 or 9 years old. Their maturity to understand, notice their limits or create healthy boundaries won’t develop for long after.


Thankfully the impact of screens in children can be both prevented and treated. Behavior can be remedied and the ways we use screens as a parenting tool can be shifted towards equally useful strategies.


We can do that with a scientifically proven strategy that focuses on incremental changes until new, healthier habits are formed. We broke down the strategy into a 22 day period of heavy effort and soft weekly reminders to help you remain consistent.


Let’s ditch any guilt for past choices – when we know better, we can do better!


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